After life

This is the world of blue. “After life” is published by Mahis.


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English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Our blog is designed to provide a comprehensive resource for individuals preparing for competitive exams that include an English language section. Whether you are aspiring to crack entrance exams, government job tests, or any other competitive examination, our blog English Questions and Answers aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the English section. We understand that the English language section can be challenging for many candidates due to its vast scope and various components, such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and more. That’s why our blog focuses on providing valuable question-and-answer resources to help you enhance your English proficiency and boost your exam performance

Q: Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word ‘fertile’ in the given sentence.
The teacher asked, “Wheat is grown in which kind of land — rich, wet, barren and fecund?”

(A) Fecund

(B) Rich

© Barren

(D) Wet

Q: Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(A) Transform

(B) Temporary

© Transmit

(D) Trap

Q: Choose the option that can substitute the underlined segment correctly and complete the meaning of the sentence.
Navika is a superb and impressive child in her class.

(A) Splendid

(B) Brilliant

© Dazzling

(D) Vivid

Q: Select the appropriate option to replace the underlined word with the adverb of time.
I went to Paris regularly.

(A) twice

(B) often

© yesterday

(D) happily

Q: Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
Feeling or showing extreme tiredness

(A) Vitalised

(B) Nervous

© Weary

(D) Drowsy

Q: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in the correct order.
Michael Holding, who
P. 20 years, has finally drawn curtains on
Q. commentary panel for more than
R. was a member of the Sky Sports
S. his stint behind the microphone





Q: Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom.
Bag and baggage

(A) With burden

(B) Without any aim

© Without happiness

(D) With all of one’s possessions

Q: Choose the incorrectly spelt word.

(A) Slaughter

(B) Cropping

© Trafficking

(D) Tyrannical

Q: Rectify the sentence by selecting the correct spelling of the underlined word.
David was put off by the glamming eyes in the dark.

(A) glamping

(B) gleaning

© gleaming

(D) gaming

Q: The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
The child was/gazing longingly / at the toy.

(A) gazing longingly

(B) at the toy

© No error

(D) The child was

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