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Art is a wound turned into light

Written by Ruqayya Amir

“Art is a wound turned into light.” ~ Georges Braque

This quote by George Braque represents the importance of art and how it helps someone to get through traumatic times. People opt for different types of mediums. It is also known as an escape to the other world or another dimension. Art has the power to heal psychologically. Many pieces of research have proven that people dealing with severe mental traumas recover gradually after adopting art therapy. When a person starts to paint or to write, they transmit their thoughts and problems in their piece of art, and they start to feel better.

Art therapy includes different sorts of activities, dancing, painting, acting, etc. Performing arts other than treatment prove to have positive effects on an artist’s mind. An organization in America provides psychological therapy to people by promoting self-expression through arts and painting.

Art is a stress reliever and can reduce depression. People sometimes express their anxieties and fears through painting or performing arts, which help the therapists to treat the illness. By expressing their problems and feelings and they feel better and relieved. For instance, if we talk about acting can be a great source of stress relief. An actor opts for different characters, which help them to vent their emotions and take things off their mind.

Art in any form can help a person to maintain one mental well-being. Art can provide person a world of their own to discover new and adventurous, which helps them to forget worries. Art was form of “filtration and surrender” as great Sufi poet Rumi said:

In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you,
But sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.

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Written by Ruqayya Amir

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