How Does An Urge Feel?

This is something I imagine feels different for everybody, so I’m going to speak from my own experience. It’s a unique feeling and an important one for others to understand. The urge to self-harm is…


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5 reasons to monitor your website

The two most important advantages of having a website are to leverage your brand and ideas and make them accessible to people. It doesn’t matter much if your audience is only local to your city or if it’s spread worldwide.

Many new brands are created on a daily basis due to the low cost of having a virtual exposure for their products and services. Clients can search for products and buy much faster now, due to the digital approach, and businesses can deeply increase their profit by providing this digital experience. This new approach had changed completely the way businesses do marketing and sales nowadays.

We all know errors and failures will happen, somehow, even in huge companies. The catch is how long it will take for you to figure out and fix it.

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